Thursday, July 26, 2012

DIY Nightstand Revamp

Hey Bettys! Guess what?! I spray painted my nightstand! 
It was my first major spray paint project and I think it was
quite the success! I was so excited I didn't even wait the
mandatory 4 hours for it to dry and had it in my room
within 2. And while it did make me infinitely happy it also
may have made me infinitely loopy. Watch out for those fumes.
It took me about 4 cans of spray paint, but the real
genius of it all came together in the hardware. I didn't
really want to replace it so I stole this idea from a
previous post >Brooch Revamp< and went to town
with a coral nail polish.

This was a super easy and relatively fast project. Both
of which I value in a DIY. Mostly because I am both
unskilled and lazy. 
Hope you're inspired!

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