Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blog the Dog: DIY Puppy Sweater

I'm introducing a new segment to the blog because of
a very special addition to my circle of closest friends.
Meet Lt. Dan, or better known around these parts
as "Weeno." He's the cutest little thing on four legs!
(besides of course my precious baby Sophie)
The Ween and I have been spending a lot of time
together since we picked him up a couple days
ago and it would just be a crime against humanity if
I didn't share pictures of the little guy. So once a week
I'll do a "Blog the Dog" post to honor this little fella.
 Gather your materials. All you will need is thread, a needle,
scissors, and part of a sweater sleeve. Make sure it's made
of stretchy material. I used one that was acrylic and wool.
 Cut a slit on either side of the sleeve's seam. From your
initial slit cut out two panels, you will fold them under and
 Once the two flaps are folded under, use a basic stitch
to sew around the edges of each leg hole.
 Fold the bottom of the sleeve under and sew it
with the same stitch you used to sew leg holes.
Remember to leave the front part shorter than
the back (like a mullet) to allow for potty time.
 Be sure to embellish your pup's new garb so they
can strut around in style! I used velvet trim from
the cardigan and its buttons to embellish the Ween's
first sweater!
 Is this cute or what?!
(Ween pictured with his favorite mousey)
Hope this works for you guys too!


  1. Elli, that is the cutest thing ever, that ween is one lucky puppy!!..I look forward to the updates!

    1. He is pretty cute! I can't wait to post more photos, now if only he'd sit still and be a good little model :)

  2. Adorable for sure. Our mini-pin wore sweaters at that age, but now tears them off no matter cold
    the weather.

    1. Oh my goodness! Min-pins are easily my favorite breed! Hopefully the ween doesn't grow to hate the sweaters haha, I like seeing him in them too much!

    2. Eli, esta precioso y me gusta la forma que explicas el procedimiento, que lastima que no estas aqui para hacerle uno a Sophi. Hoy nos fuimos a caminar unas tres millas y se porto muy bien. Cuidate te quiero muchisimo. Siga adelante con sus clases y su "hobbie"
