Sunday, April 15, 2012


Well it's that time of year again when the graduation
cappies fly! But this time around I'll be joining the parade.
(Whoever said graduating in 4 years was possible
was an idiot by the way.) So of course my darling mother
wanted me to send invitations so everyone could
share in the joy of my success, or whatever. But
 like any good student I procrastinated making/sending
 out said invites. Luckily I've got a bunny of a roommate
and she volunteered (by force) to take pictures for me.
Of course when the time came to take the
pictures I was totally at a loss as to what to
wear. However I always find it's comforting in
these situations to wear someone else's clothes.
Jane is something of fashion icon for me so
naturally I stole this totally darling sweater
and necklace from her.
 Even though I can't believe I'll be done with
school in just a handful of weeks, I can't wait for
what lies ahead. Though, no I don't know what
I'll be doing after I graduate, I'm sure there's
a Jeremiah 29:11 style plan for me. So I'm deciding
I won't sweat that jive. That is, until my lease is up.

p.s. here's a couple things I wanted to
be when I "grew up" as a kid:
-Marine Biologist
-Hair Stylist
-Fashion Designer
-Writer for Fashion Magazine

1 comment:

  1. Oh preciosa el tiempo se llego, el Senor tiene planes maravillosos, abre tus ojitos y pide al Senor por direccion y El te la dara. Nosotros estamos tan contentos y orgullosos que alcanzas tu meta final; es posible que haya mas camino que recorrer pero ya tienes un punto de partida. Te amamos y deseamos lo mejor en tu nueva vida profesional!!:)
